Wednesday 29 June 2016

Program Guru Penyayang Jun 2016

Tarikh   :  27 Jun 2016
Masa     :  7.30 pg - 8.20 pg
Tempat  :  Tapak Perhimpunn

Meraikan Hari Jadi Murid Bulan Jun 2016

 Penyampaian cenderahati kepada murid murid oleh Barisan Pentadbir

GPK Koku baru, Pn Hjh Kamariah Bte Embot turut bersama murid

Hadiah  Hari Jadi

Terima  kasih Unit Bimbingan dan Kaunseling

Saturday 25 June 2016

Lawatan Sambil Belajar ke First City University College

Tarikh   :   25 Jun 2016
Tempat  :   First City University College, Selangor
Anjuran :   Unit Bimbingan dan Kaunseling

 Ceramah tentang pelbagai kursus dan program oleh En. Howard di dewan kuliah

Bengkel Mencetak
Aktiviti Hands On

 Bengkel mencetak dikendali oleh Pensyarah En. Adi

Hasil Cetakan

Terima kasih En Tan Chee Tat 

MCSC 4th Southern Region Bible Knowledge Quiz 2016

Date      :    25 June 2016
Time     :     8.00am to 1.00pm
Venue   :     MGSS Melaka
BK Oral Quiz Final

Result :
Oral Quiz 4 th Place : MSD 1 - Wong Zhu Shi and Gloria Nathan

BK 16 Catagory Form 3 : 1st place - Nga Tian Ern

BK 16 Catagory Form 3 : 2nd place - Ezra Tan En Zhong

BK 16 Category Form 1 : 2nd place - Chua Chia Ning

 BK 16 category F1 : 3rd place - Timothy Lim Zhang Yi

 BK16 Category F2 :  2nd place - Wong Zhu Xin

 BK16 Category F2 :  2nd place - Jasmine Tan

 BK16 Category F2 :  3nd place - Rachel Tan Ming Hui

 BK16 Category F2 :  4th place -  Matthew Lim Zhang Le

 BK16 Category F4 : 1st place Samuel Lim 

 BK16 Category F5 : 3rd Place - Aaron Avinash Dass

 BK16 Category F5 : 5th Place - Ezra Tan Tze Ern

 BK16 Category F5 : 7th Place - Stephen Prashant

Group Photo

Committee and helpers

Special thanks to Ms Monica Leong and Mdm Grace Teh for guiding the CF team.

To our Principal, Mr Chay Yew Choon and GKMP, Mdm Soh Suat Chuee
Thank You for your support.

Program Kerjaya Handong Global University Korea

 Tarikh   :   23 Jun 2016
Masa     :    12.00 tgh 1.30 tgh
Tempat  :  Bilik Media
Career Guidance Talk
Prof John Bailey and Esther from Korea Handong Global University 

For more info :

Image result for Handong global university

Special thanks to 
Mr. Tan Chee Tat and committee

Program MyFuture Di PLKN 2.0

Tarikh   :  16 Jun 2016
Masa    :   8.00pg - 9.00pg
Tempat  : Dewan Sekolah
Sasaran  : Pelajar Tingkatan 5

 Ucapan oleh GPK HEM, Mr. Tam Siew Shong

 Ucapan oleh GPK Koku, Pn Hjh Kamariah Bte Embot

Taklimat oleh Unit Bimbingan Kaunseling, Ms Monica Leong

Terdapat sambutan yang baik selepas taklimat ini. Seramai 55 orang pelajar ingin menyertai program MyFuture ini secara sukarela.

Tahniah dan terima kasih 
kepada Unit Bimbingan dan Kaunseling atas usaha menjayakan promosi Program MyFuture 2.0

Tuesday 7 June 2016


Attention to St. Davidians,

            This program is a workshop, designed to be conducted in eight sessions. Each session should last one to two hours. Participants learn how to prepare and present a speech, conduct meetings, listen effectively and evaluate what you have heard. By the end of the eight session, you'll have developed self-confidence and interpersonal communication skills that you will use for the rest of your life.

Purpose~to develop the speaking and leadership skills of young people. By developing these skills, you will be better prepared to meet the demands and challenges of today`s world.

Date~ 25th June (Sat)
Time ~8.30am~6pm
Venue~The Settlement Hotel.
Registration~ 8am
Fee~ RM30 inclusive of a lunch and a tea break.
Total no of participants -40 students.
No of Participants allocated for St. David High School - 4 students
Age group-preferably Form 1 to Form 4.
(first come first served basis)
Those who are interested , kindly contact Pn Soh / Mr. Chay.

Mak Chee Kin


Wednesday 1 June 2016

Perkhemahan Waja Diri SMK Tinggi St. David 2016

Integrasi Bersama Kadet Remaja Sekolah, Kadet Bomba & Penyelamat, Kadet Polis dan Puteri Islam

Tarikh   :  27 - 29 Mei 2016
Tempat  :  Taman Botanika Ayer Keroh

Tahniah kepada semua guru dan murid yang terlibat dalam menjayakan perkhemahan ini.
Terima kasih Cikgu Mohd Redzuan Othman dan AJK...

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